Some news! My children’s book Grandpa Heaven (illustrated by Ruth McNally Barshaw) garnered a gold Royal Palm Literary Award at the annual Florida Writer’s Association conference. YAY! It’s a pretty rigorous competition (I know, as I also judge for it in categories I don’t enter.) and a great honor. Now Grandpa Heaven gets to wear a shiny gold sticker!
Also, at the Florida State Poets Association conference a poem I wrote won first place in one of FSPA’s annual contests. The poem is below. Titled: Where the Good Dog Sleeps. In addition, another poem (Of Covenants–yet to be published) got a 1st Honorable Mention.
Best of all, I got to spend two weekends in a row with writer friends. The high you get when you’re with people who are excited about making art. Wow!

And here’s the poem that won first place: WHERE THE GOOD DOG SLEEPS