My poem “Reading Brodsky (in English) While Stirring Soup” is a winning poem in the 3rd Wednesday Annual International Poetry Contest. (Along with Ken Hines and Zoe Robles.) The journal does not have “places”–just 3 winners from all the submissions in keeping with the name of their publication. (More than 650 this year!) The judge was poet Joy Gaines-Friedler. You can read the whole issue for free by clicking on the picture above or here. My poem appears on page 77, and a bit about the contest on page 75.
Of my poem Joy says:
“Reading Brodsky (in English) While Stirring Soup. The
juxtaposition of the world inside the home with the world of the
outside – a world fraught with persecution, forced emigration, and
a poetry that reflects that life, matched with the heartiness of a
slow simmering soup is absolutely delightful.”
Below is the poem. (With a pic. I added.) Enjoy!